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Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 EJWNGUN
Naruto RPG
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Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 EJWNGUN

E o ciclo da vida repete-se! As pacíficas vilas voltam a unir-se para combater um mal em comum. Vem conhecer o melhor e mais antigo role play de Naruto, totalmente em português.
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 Spoilers dos Capitulos

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Membro | Kumo
Membro | Kumo

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 28
Localização : In your home . With your wife . In your bed ...
Número de Mensagens : 394

Registo Ninja
Nome: Issai Yuunou
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 500
Total de Habilitações: 24

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeTer 9 Fev 2010 - 22:41



Com imagens e tudo ^^

Desculpem o Double-Post D=
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeTer 9 Fev 2010 - 22:55

I viva o cliché descomunal!


Como raio consegue a Sakura por a dormir o Kiba, Lee e Sai.
O Kiba ainda seria possivel se ela usasse um gas para adormecer, e tendo em conta o nariz dele, agora o resto...

Aptece mesmo dizer: Kishi, vai te foder xd

No proximo episodio: Uma Garganta aparece ao lado de Sasuke e de lá salta Ichigo e mata sasuke, acabando com o sofrimento de milhares de fans...
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Membro | Kumo
Membro | Kumo

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 28
Localização : In your home . With your wife . In your bed ...
Número de Mensagens : 394

Registo Ninja
Nome: Issai Yuunou
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 500
Total de Habilitações: 24

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeTer 9 Fev 2010 - 23:01


Realmente o Kishi cada vez está mais estupido...

Mas enfim, vamos a ver o que ele tenciona com isto tudo.

PS: A Sakura teve aulas particulares com o Chuck pelos vistos. =O
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Tixa Sandiego

Membro | Kumo
Membro | Kumo
Tixa Sandiego

Sexo : Feminino
Idade : 31
Localização : Lisboa
Número de Mensagens : 1489

Registo Ninja
Nome: Mo
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 2900
Total de Habilitações: 83,25

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeTer 9 Fev 2010 - 23:18

E eu ainda tinha esperanças que a Sakura ainda quisesse matar o Sasuke e se suicida-sse em seguida (dois coelhos de uma cajadada só!).

Mas valha-me nossa senhora da agrela, a miuda é realmente deprimente... 2,5 anos e ainda continua uma fangirl odiosa... D=<

Karin morreu! :O
Que pena que eu tenho.

O Madara não conseguiu os olhos do outro? Bem feita que é para aprender.

É que sinceramente, pá. Este manga está cada vez mais deprimente.

E mãi nada! Cool
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Membro | Kumo
Membro | Kumo

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 28
Localização : In your home . With your wife . In your bed ...
Número de Mensagens : 394

Registo Ninja
Nome: Issai Yuunou
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 500
Total de Habilitações: 24

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQui 11 Mar 2010 - 12:39


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Membro | Suna
Membro | Suna

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 34
Localização : Queluz
Número de Mensagens : 2852

Registo Ninja
Nome: Maketoshi Ingo
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 450
Total de Habilitações: 24

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQui 11 Mar 2010 - 12:48

Dude... isso não é spoiler, isso é a manga inteirinha já em inglês xd

Mas pronto... Manga continua a suckar...
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Administrador | Suna
Administrador | Suna

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 30
Localização : Your mom's rear
Número de Mensagens : 7040

Registo Ninja
Nome: Kaito
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 500
Total de Habilitações: 24

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQui 11 Mar 2010 - 17:51

Cheira-me que vai começar a melhorar daqui para a frente, ou pelo menos espero que sim ^^

Bitchie Boy? xd
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Membro | Kumo
Membro | Kumo

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 28
Localização : In your home . With your wife . In your bed ...
Número de Mensagens : 394

Registo Ninja
Nome: Issai Yuunou
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 500
Total de Habilitações: 24

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQui 11 Mar 2010 - 20:13

Kadmos... Isso é o que se encontrava em todos os sites de spoilers so yeh, mais valia a pena ter postado, uma vez que no Onemanga não constava nada.
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 17 Mar 2010 - 14:13


Well sempre os spoilers de segunda estavam correctos.
Ao principio estava um bocado a estranhar o Raikage e o Killer Bee não reconhecerem um Bunshin, mas visto que é uma parte do Zetsu ("carne e osso" maybe) torna-se mais real.

E finalmente Kabuchimaru (vou chamar-lhe assim xd) aparece... Finnally. Passaram o que? 2 anos de manga desde a ultima revelação??

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Administrador | Iwa
Administrador | Iwa

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 36
Localização : Porto / Coimbra
Número de Mensagens : 8005

Registo Ninja
Nome: Jüjigata Érika (J'éki)
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 0
Total de Habilitações: 39

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 17 Mar 2010 - 14:20

Bah, Bah, double Bah!
Manga's getting as bad as Fillers now!

Já é a segunda vez que o Kisame morre-not!
E o Orochimaru, não sei que dilema o Mr.Naruto-Escritor tem na cabeça, mas não se decide se se quer ver livre dele ou não. Primeiro tira-lhe os braços e passado uns tempos já os consegue usar, depois mata-o dentro da própria dimensão dele e o Sasuke passa a conseguir usar os seus poderes, mas de facto ele renasce no Kabuto! Oh, watever... I'm disapointed now... They ruined a fine story!

'Tá a ficar pior que a novela do "Prision Break".
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itachi dattebayo

Administrador | Konoha
Administrador | Konoha
itachi dattebayo

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 37
Localização : No escritório do Kishi
Número de Mensagens : 9440

Registo Ninja
Nome: Kazuki Hitsuyaga
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 12650
Total de Habilitações: 383,75

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeSex 19 Mar 2010 - 17:46

Eu tambem Acho que o Orochimaru está a renascer no Kabuto, como a informação sobre isto é muito pouca prefiro nem comentar xP

E agora seria interessante se o madara recusasse o transplante ao Sasuke aí era de partir-se a rir, mas com isso já haverá motivo para o naruto ter de ausentar-se e treinar novamente para poder igualar o Fuumetsu Mangekyou God que o Sasuke vai ter.

E o mais interessante para o final, aquele zetsu pode até não ser um gajo para luta, mas para fazer kagemushas (Sósias) e coisas do genero ele é bastante bom, por essa do kisame se infiltrar com a Samehada eu não estava nada a espera, o que só mostra que a akatsuki ownou kumogakure violentamente. xd
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 31 Mar 2010 - 14:58


Minhas reacções... OMG KABUTO IS AWESOME =0

Se ele antes estava no meu top10 de personagens awesome agora esta nos top 3

Mal posso esperar por amanha (ou logo á noite) para podermos ler o capitulo e ver as imagens com boa qualidade
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 9 Jun 2010 - 18:54

Spoiler Capitulo 498


498 Script by Ohana

あだ名は トマト(髪が赤いため)
後のあだ名が 赤い血潮のハバネロ

Kushina punches Naruto in the stomach.
Kushina uses Naruto's favorite expres​sion(dattebayo!).
It seems Kushina has a special chakra.
We don't learn what her abilities are.
She was once kidnapped by Kumogakure (Cloud), being after that chakra.
When she was an academy student, she moved to Konoha from another village.
"I'll become the first female Hokage!" Saying this, she was was teased by the others.
Her nickname was "Tomato" (because of her red hair).
But turning the tables, she threw tomatoes at the other party.
Alternative nickname: "Hot-blooded Habanero"
The Hot-blooded Habanero got together with the Yellow Flash of Konoha
Naruto: I'm Konoha's orange Hokage dattebayo!"
Naruto has inherited his parents' wish.
"Now then, defeat Kyuubi!!" [Kushina?]

More from Ohana:


When she [Kushina] was kidnapped by Hidden Cloud, she let her hair down to not let it be known by her enemy.
The one who noticed was Minato.
The red strings of fate (her hair).
She began liking Minato.
She began liking her own hair.
We'll get a flashback about Kushina & Minato's romance.
Kyuubi knows Kushina very well.
Translation/summary by Yagami1211 of NF:

When exited or troubled he says Dattebayo.
Kushina let her hair down to the point of absurdity.
Naruto says "Dattebayo"
Kushina says "Datteba ne"

Kushina reveals that she's Naruto's mother. Naruto wants to talk more but he's in trouble and Kushina says "yes, the time has finally come." Kyubi says "You... I thought I killed you that time." And Kushina says she's dead but she left behind a certain jutsu. Then flashback to Kyubi fight. Yondaime heads out and Kushina tells him not to die. She wants to go with him but he has someone take her away and he fights Kyubi. Yondaime is very confident and uses a space-time jutsu to send a Kyubi blast away from the village. Ends with Yondaime saying "I might be able to win this one!"

Finalmente!!! Depois de tantos anos não só conseguimos ver o que aconteceu á Kushina como um bocado da luta entre Konoha Vs Kyubi xd
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 28 Jul 2010 - 19:41

Citação :
504 Thank You

Kushina opposes Minato's use of Shiki Fuujin.

Kushina: I don't want to burden Naruto/my son. I want Minato to live and watch Naruto grow, while I alone die. There is no need for you to sacrifice yourself for me.

Minato: Forsaking the village, forsaking my country, forsaking my son - they are all the same to me. You should understand, because your own country was destroyed. Besides, our family are "shinobi"!! You, as his mother, cannot win. This is not for your sake, but for Naruto's sake!!

There is already the shinigami (death god) behind Minato.

Minato: I'm alright with dying if it is for my son. That is also one of the roles a father can perform.

Sandaime and the Kyuubi are staring/glaring at each other. Sandaime puts up a barrier so that the Kyuubi cannot escape.

The shinigami's hand extends forth from Minato's stomach. The Kyuubi senses the danger.

Minato perfoms the seal. The Kyuubi is in pain.

Minato comes close to breathing his last.

Sandaime senses that it is not enough to seal everything.

Minato begins preparations for the Hakke Fuuin (eight trigrams seal).
Kyuubi: Getting sealed by such a kid... I won't take this lying down!

Kushina comes close to breathing her last.

Kyuubi tries to attack Naruto with all he has.

Kyuubi's arm pierces Minato. Kushina enters the fray, so that the Kyuubi will not be able to reach Minato.

Minato: I said this was something his father could do
Kushina: Then all the more I, as his mother, should do this. This is the first time I've lost any of our (lovers') quarrels, isn't it?

Minato: Thank you, Kushina

Minato summons Gamatora and passes him the key to be kept with Jiraiya (TN: the one that Jiraiya uses to unlock the seal to help Naruto with training on Myoubokuzan)

Sandaime: I finally understand the situation at hand.

Gamatora disappears.

The shinigami is holding the sword...

Ainda não sairam imagens Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 507115
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 8 Dez 2010 - 15:10

Citação :
Bits and pieces of Naruto and his training with the bijuu rasengan.

Kabuto and Madara are probing into each other’s true intentions.
Madara: Kill Anko
Kabuto says some stuff about using a jutsu so don’t kill her
They need a sacrifice
In that case… Madara puts forth Fuu and Rune

“The surprise attack was a success”
Allied forces move out
Zabuza and Haku move out as well

Somehow, it seems that Kabuto’s new jutsu requires a sacrifice.
And there is no risk to this new jutsu of his. This is what is said before the chapter ends.

Mais um chapter sem grande acção..
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Administrador | Konoha
Administrador | Konoha

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 33
Localização : In your head
Número de Mensagens : 12232

Registo Ninja
Nome: Angelus
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 31866
Total de Habilitações: 693,75

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 8 Dez 2010 - 15:19

Até ao final do ano deve continuar assim
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 15 Dez 2010 - 13:00

Citação :
Naruto 521 Cover is of Zabuza before he died – there’s a lot of swords stuck in (someone/him?).

Kabuto is behaving differently after having explained that there is no risk to the jutsu. Zetsu’s spores are on Kabuto (I don’t think Kabuto is aware).
Kabuto seems like he’s got something else up his sleeve. Madara doesn’t quite know yet.

Black Zetsu is acting alone, preparing for something.
Haku detects Sai’s birds.
Neji’s group and Kiba’s group merge.

Kitsuchi and Kurotsuchi use Doton jutsu.
The White Zetsus start coming forth.
It is White Zetsu Vs. Neji’s team and Kiba’s team.

Sai is flying on his bird and notices the cold air.
Behind him is Haku.
Sai releases his Choujyuu Giga, retreating toward the ground.
Zabuza is also there on the ground…
Zabuza tries to attack, but Kakashi attacks back.
Here (they) talk about how nostalgic this is and about what’s become of Naruto.

Kabuto leaves Anko beside him.
As (Kabuto uses his) jutsu, Zabuza’s movements change…

It seems like the battle will unfold with Kakashi’s team, Sai, Omoi, and Neji versus the Kekkei Genkai team and Zabuza.

Haku vai entrar em acção. Rejubilem usuarios de Hyouton xd
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 26 Jan 2011 - 14:44

Citação :

Gaara’s daddy is summoned.
The Second Mizukage is summoned.
The Second Tsuchikage is summoned
The Third Raikage is summoned.

From what’s being said, it seems the Second Hokage is summoned too.

Hyūga clan is summoned.
Kinkaku Ginkaku is summoned. [a/n: this sounds like a wrong spelling of the Kinkaku Force. The kanji say Golden Tower Silver Status, 金閣銀格.]

Tsunade knows Dan has been summoned.
Something called a Kekkei Dōta (血継淘汰, Bloodline Selection) is introduced.
The Second Tsuchikage has a Kekkei Dōta.
The Third Tsuchikage has a Kekkei Dōta.
It gives the ability to create Jinton by manipulating Earth, Wind, and Fire.
It seems it’s going to be the Second Tsuchikage vs. the Third Tsuchikage.

Gaara’s daddy senses Gaara’s chakra.

Zetsu appears at the Daimyō’s place.
Oh, Dōta should be Tōta

Kinkaku and Ginkaku are shinobi with the Raikage. [a/n: Kinkaku = Golden Horn. Ginkaku = Silver Horn. The Kinkaku Force was the group that killed the Second Hokage.]

Where’s the Second Hokage? I can’t sense him anywhere, while I’m sensing several kilometres ahead…

That’s why I’m not sure if the Second Hokage has been summoned or not.

Konoha’s Kinkaku

Mū tries to sense the Second Hokage, it seems.

Several kilometres ahead… it says.

Capitulo muito interessante Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 507115
Ca para mim nao é o Segundo Hokage (senao vai contra as "regras" que o Kabuto disse) mas sim outro ninja igualmente poderoso Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 507115 Talvez uma má tradução e seja um Mizukage qualquer Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 507115

E vamos ver mais organizações ^^

Capitulo de preparações para as lutas. E Gaara Vs Pai o/
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L Mars

Membro | Iwa
Membro | Iwa
L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 9648

Registo Ninja
Nome: Arice Tsukihoshi
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 2 Fev 2011 - 17:43

Citação :
Naruto 526 Fierce battle! Team Darui!

Daimyo of the Mist and Mizukage start movingZetsu starts moving towards Daimyo of the fire but
Genma takes action and Zetsu disappears into the ground
Zetsu: Doesn’t look like it’s here…
The five daimyo move to 5 different places at their set times and try not to get spotted by the enemy.
Zetsu: It seems they took my ability too lightly… All of the land is mine. Black Zetsu disappears into a tree.

Darui takes the massive amount of white Zetsu(this is plural ) head on.

He uses an attack called “Raiton Black panther” that is apparently a jutsu that cuts lightning.

Tenten is starting to lose and throws a kunai.

Dan vs Chouji

Hiashi vs Hizashi

Chiyoba, Kimimaro, Hanzou and some fat guy named Jagming goes to Kankurou’s place

Deidara: Help me!!

The Tsuchikage goes to Gaara’s place

The KinGin brothers fight Darui

Darui: I feel bleh but I’ll finish this off in one go with my Ranton! (he’s making a pun off his name being Darui – bleh)

E começa agora, a 1º luta previsivel, irmão Vs irmão xd
Bem parece ser mais um chapter de preparação para as batalhas, de quem luta contra quem...

Vamos la a ver se não se começa a demorar muito esta parte
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Administrador | Konoha
Administrador | Konoha

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 33
Localização : In your head
Número de Mensagens : 12232

Registo Ninja
Nome: Angelus
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 31866
Total de Habilitações: 693,75

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 2 Fev 2011 - 17:53

Aposta em mais uma ou duas semanas disto e depois e que vêm a porrada
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Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 31
Número de Mensagens : 4

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQui 3 Fev 2011 - 5:43

Acho que essa do Hiashi não deve demorar.
Quando Sai lutou, foram dois capítulos, se não me engano, o irmão dele apareceu no final de um, então praticamente foi enrolação sem ação.
Anos se passaram, e agora a diferença de força deles deve ser grande ou razoável, lembrando que Edo Tensei aparentemente, dá outros benefícios além de ser imortal, porque os corpos não se cansam.
Mas espero que dure mais do que durou com o time Kankuro da última vez.
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Administrador | Konoha
Administrador | Konoha

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 33
Localização : In your head
Número de Mensagens : 12232

Registo Ninja
Nome: Angelus
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 31866
Total de Habilitações: 693,75

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 16 Mar 2011 - 16:32

Capitulo 532 - Spoilers confirmados.

Rough trans:
More flashbacks from Hanzou and Mifune's past fight.
Hanzou commits seppuku(?!)

Ino-Shika-Chou VS Asuma
Something about Chouji struggling to dodge his attacks and Shikamaru trying to think of a counterattack.
From Flipping through the chap

Flashback of the past fight of hanzo vs mifune
Hanzo commits hara-kiri(suicide)

Inoshikacho vs asma
Although Shikamaru seizes a chance and give choji an order to attack.
Choji can't.
Asma while saying "dodge it!" makes counter attack.

Mifune Vs Hanzou, Final Round.

Mifune : You don't remember me, all right. But it seems you don't even remember our past fight.


Mifune's sword is destroyed.
Hanzou slash him and Mifune bleed from his head.

Hanzou : This is the poison of the Salamander. Of course, my weapon is poisoned too.
Mifune : Ugh
Hanzou : I'll tell you why people call me "Hanzou of the Salamander". As a souvenir you will take with you to hell.
In my village there is a black salamander that can create mortal toxical poison.

Mifune : !?

Hanzou : I was a child When it died. I embedded his poison bag. It's right here. ( Left side of his stomach ) so I can be immune to his poison.
And I can poison my surrounding just by breathing.

As I child I was scared so I stopped breathing with my mouth to prevent poisoning my surrounding.

Mifune : So why didn't you remove your mask ?

Hanzou : Because there is a risk. My mask as another purpose. To prevent me from breathing my own poison.
Mifune : ?

Hanzou : Think about it, if someone slash my inner poison bag, the poison would exit my body and there is a possibility that I would breath it.
If I breath all the poison, it would override my poison resistance and I would be render unable to move, creathig an opening.
And I can't allow this to happen. So I can fight people like you.

Mifune : People and swords are alike. But now it's ... over for me. Profound Sadness !

Hanzou : Let me tell you something. Do you know when people die ?
Mifune : ?

Hanzou : When they lose their beliefs.

That's why you were a pain. People judge from outward apparence. You may be defeated but
that's not because you were too soft.

That's because you were afraid of my name. Because you swore to prtect your friends. Thoses friends you used as shields.

Mifune : *panting*

Hanzou : Now, hero, I will name you. Tell me when you die, Tell me your NAME !

Mifune : *breathing heavily*

Hanzou : Let me hear it !

Mifune : Don't ever lay a hand on my samurai comrades.

Hanzou : Here's a counter poison medecine.

Mifune : ?

Hanzou : They say you can't judge one's belief by looking at people. I realized during battle.
It's been a long time I saw someone like you. Today, I let you live. It's not like you were going to die immediatly after, though.

Hanzou uses counter poison medecine on Mifune.

Hanzou : From on now, will you die with your beliefs ? Or will you throw them and live ?

Back to present.
Mifune : I wanted to make sure but ... did you really threw you beliefs ?
Hanzou : You can't judge that by looking at me.
Mifune : !

Hanzou : I'm immortal all right, but there is a way to stop me. I already explained it to you Mifune.
Use the opening to seal me. If you don't do it, you will ...

Samurai : Master Mifune ! The poison is ...

Mifune : I'm ok. I have resistance against this poison. But from on now it will be different.
Everyone back off, with me. Prepare the seal.

Hanzou prepare to use his blade.

Mifune : Look around you.

Hanzou : Mifune, I entrust my beliefs to you. ( Hanzou stabs himself with his blade ).

Samurai : Seppuku ?

Hanzou : This poison is the real deal.
You can't breath this even if your have resistance against it, be careful.

Kabuto : My order fuuda tag is faiding. Suicide ? Then I just have to control all their moves myself one by one.

Hanzou shivers and crumbles.

Mifune : So you didn't threw you beliefs after all.

Multiple ninjas performs a seal on Hanzou.

Kabuto : What the ? The tag stopped working.

Mifune : "Hero" was the name you gave me. I was able to see your beliefs with my own eyes. Well done, Hanzou-dono.


Shikamaru : Stop being a slowpoke, Chouji. Pull yourself together.
Ino : He's coming !
Asuma : Shikamaru ! Use Shadow Mimic on Chouji to capture me !
Shikamaru : That's what I'm planning. ( Kage Mane no Jutsu ! )

Shikamaru manage to capture Asuma by using Chouji's shadow.

Shikamaru : Now, Chouji !

Asuma : (Perfect !)

Chouji uses Partial Multi-Expansion Jutsu on his hand and goes for Asuma's head but stops his gigantic
fist just before hitting Asuma's face.

Asuma : What the HELL are you doing Chouji ?

Shikamaru : Chouji ! Come on !

Ino : Chouji ...

Chouji : I can't. I just can't. I'm unable to knock down and hit Asuma. I can't do that.

Asuma : Chouji ! ( Asuma roundhouse kick and blow off chouji )

Asuma : DODGE ! Fuuton : Fuujin no Jutsu ( Wind Style : Dust Blast Technique )


Over !
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Administrador | Konoha
Administrador | Konoha

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 33
Localização : In your head
Número de Mensagens : 12232

Registo Ninja
Nome: Angelus
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 31866
Total de Habilitações: 693,75

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeQua 13 Abr 2011 - 12:17

Capitulo 535

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Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Xfafky

Citação :
Texto / Tradução Por: Sub-Japa
Capítulo 535

Naruto atravessa os Ninjas com força total.
Ele ativa o Mode Sennin.

Naruto correr para o campo de batalha.

Iruka consegue detê-lo,bem na hora.
Mas Naruto consegui atravessa com força total
O Pai de Chikamaru usa o Shadow Bind em Naruto

Ao olhar para a sombra, Naruto pode perceber a Guerra do lado de fora.

Naruto quer saber o que está acontecendo.
Iruka fala toda a verdade para ele.
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Administrador | Konoha
Administrador | Konoha

Sexo : Masculino
Idade : 33
Localização : In your head
Número de Mensagens : 12232

Registo Ninja
Nome: Angelus
Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 31866
Total de Habilitações: 693,75

Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Spoilers dos Capitulos   Spoilers dos Capitulos - Página 10 Icon_minitimeTer 18 Out 2011 - 12:33

Possiveis spoilers:


by: VK

Naruto 560: The Curse of the Uchiha

Muu- kukuk…. Yu have much greater problems now onokai..ehat yu going to do about it?

Onokai- It cant be true! Yu madara cant be dead! Then who is in the mask potraying as you?

Edo madara- Mask??he started this war eh and went this far to resurrect me?! (thinking- so that bastard indeed went this far..but not so surprising at all..after all he is m….)

Naruto- Hey yu! I don’t care who you are! You are going to die right now and ill put an end to everything!

Gaara- Naruto wait!
Edo madara- Hmph..

Naruto makes two shadow clone and charges towards madara creating a rasen shurkien! Madara deviates the attack easily but is attacked from behind by the clone naruto with an rasengan in sage mode!

Madara obsorbs the attacks just like tobi and finishes the two slones in one move!

Madara- you remind me of him! To think that you would be a nine tail jinchiruki and charge me so foolishly!

Naruto- lets see about that! (naruto goes to kyubi mode)
Gaara- dessert sand storm jutsu! (but nothing happens)

Madara- I am uchicha madara and you expect me to get disturbed by that? You all are already under my genjutsu.

Naruto- (looka around shocked)(Thinking- shit am the oly one not affected by genjutsu! Thanks to kyubi to have disturbed my chakra, now I have to think really well)

Madara- you look surprised! Nothing as changed in all these years! But before I kill yu, tell me who summoned me? And what happened to naguto?

Naruto- wha?? You bastard you brain washed naguto! He never wanted this! He truly strived for peace and you played him as your puppet! I wont forgive you for this!

Madara- (thinking- so naguto is dead! That means rinnegan must be with tobe by no.w.but that can wait I first have to find who resurrrected me)

Kabuto- shit! I cant let him find me! Have to control over him quickely before he gets his full power! Cant have another itachi scenario here! Oh no! I need a few minutes before I get control over him! Have to get the kyubi fast before kabuto gets here!

Naruto- (charges un kyubi mode with the speed of yellow flash)
Madara- an orange flash..

Sudenly naruto is in front of madara with an rasengan thriving up to madara’s throat! Next second..woof! madara appears behind naruto with an firerazer jutsu from his hand while naruto is still in air!

Naruto- (oh no this is bad)

Naruto is seen fallen down a few metres away! He gets up coughing blood and his tops worn out bu fire) he is in his normal mode and looking very rugged!

Madara- time to take out of the nine ta.. what?? (naruto sueednly disappears using reverse summoning)

Madara- (looks in anger) now have to find my source! (he turns backs and walks)

In the headquarters all are shocked and naruto is treated bu tsunade! Grandpa frog is seen nearby

Raikage- this cant be good! We have to do something quick!

Tsunade- first have to heal naruto! He worn out himself before he fought the edo madara! To think this would happen! Are we having two madar’s here? We have to change our plans! Withdraw the troops we have no other option!

Tobi and his former jinchuriki’s are seen in an forest!suddenly ztsu crops from the near by tree.

Tobe- what is it?

Zetsu- madara has been resurrected!

Tobi- what??? That bastard kabuto! I have to kill kabuto first! He betrayed me! With madara sumoned it gets tricky now!

Zetsu- what are we supposed to do? Afterall you owe him..

Tobi- owe him?? This all belongs to me! I worked hard for this! My moon-eye plan will work! Listen you tell all our zetsu’s to go backinto the hide out! Withdraw from all battle fields and you lead this jinchuriki’s to the headquarters!

Zetsu- done…(thinking- to think kabuto would resurrect him! He has gone to far) and what are you going to do? Face madara?

Tobi- not in my present state! Ill go and finish kabuto and gain control of edo madara! Then this war will be mine! We cant let the truth be spilt out!

Suddenly in the battlefield all comes to senses out of getjutsu!

Gaara- what is going on?...
Onokoi- looks like only muu is left! Wha…!

But next second muu is seen going to crumbles and withers away

Madara stops in is tracks and is seen furious!
Madara into distant sky- so your dare control me?

Kabuto- good I had to destroy muu o have full control over madara! Now to summon him against tobi!summoning jutsu..

THAT can wait! Your time as come!

Itachi- you creep yu hav crawled to far to summon the deads.. you going to suffer a horrible death! (activated is EMS)

Kabuto- wait! Lets keep that to later! Beeing an uchiha how would you like to see to uchiha battle it out?

Itachi- wha… if anything happens to saskue you ar…!
Kabuto- No not him!! It’s a battle for heirs!!

Tobi is suddenly stopped in the tracks!sees a summoning ahaed of him!

Madara- so you have got the rinnegan after all! Ahy this much time in summoning me?

Tobi- You still had time.. your time still din..!

Madara- So you betrayed me! I knew never to trust you even in my death bed I could sense your plans!

Tobi- I have no other option!

Madara- Time to take my rinnegan back…izuna! Or must I say my former self! To think that taking your eyes would lead to your soul captured in my body!! The curse of Brothers of uchiha!

Tobi- Last time I gave up soul for you! But I always stayed inside you while you took lead! I was considerably weakened after your battle with hashirama! Last time you suppressed me ! but this time we cant coming and take lead!

Madara- I never thought having your soul trapped inside me would lead to captur my vessel! Having rinnegan will allow you gain full power of my body! I should have killed you when I took your eyes! Instead I left you be! Well it was all good! Or else I would hav died and not be able to come back!

Tobi- ya! But now we have chance unlike before to combine and let us both have full potential! The truth behind uchiha which no one else knows! With the rinnegan and senju tissues we can be the next SO6P! but this time together as immortals! (thinking- blood kabuto! He must have known! But how??)

Madara- together or do you mean you taking control while supressing my soul? Eh brother?dont take me as a fool!!

Tobi- Last time you took control and suppressed me!! Its right that I take my turn now! Whether you like it or not! I will regain the power of this body and supress your soul and be whole again!

Madara- (thinking- hmm so that’s why you took rinngan from naguto! Good move!) But this ends here!i left you incharge to see my reserruction but you take the eye for your needs! I see! An sharingan and an rinnegan to suppress my soul and take control of both our powers and chakra’s combined! Clever!but you need and EMSeyes! Another set of eyes of brothers to completely take over my soul! And power of tru uchiha!

Tobi- you too knew it eh??

Madara- am uchiha madara? You think I whould have missed it? It the final destiny! I tried to find another set of compatable brother’s eyes to gain control over you completely and complete my self! But none were suited! And as I remember that uchiha itachi kid destroyed all uchiha clan! So yu cant have another set of eyes brother! You cant control me!

Tobi- Maybe..

Madar- or maybe not! I see!! So yu have another set of brothers eyes eh?

Tobi- (shit! Am I under genjutsu or what? How did he find out? I have to act smart!) Ya but not yet ready! We cant still be together in one vessel! Immortal vessel! And control the world as brothers!

Madara- you very well know that cant happen! Having gained another pair of eyes, oly one of us can gain contorl of body!

Tobi- seeing that you took control last time and lost! Its my turn now!

Madara- I cant let that be izuna! You are just a shell of myself! You don’t exist! Untill you get that other set of eyes yu can just impersonatemy self in my body! Having zetsu with you, you gain some powers but nothing to destroy me!

Tobi- listen there is..!!

Madara- shut up! I died trusting you to resurrect me! Instead you want to take control! That can happen! I will let the world be itself than you taking control of me for eternity!

Tobi- so it has come to this eh? (activates his EMS)

Back in kabuto’s hide out

Itachi- what is the meaning of this? What is this curse of uchiha brothers?

Kabuto- simple you need two sets of two pair of two brothers eyes!
Itachi- what do yu mean?
Kabuto- you don’t get it do you! You uchiha were cursed by the sage!
Itachi- what?

Kabuto- madara took izuna’s eyes to gain the eternal MS! But he later realized his powers were not full! Yess he gained eyes powers but physical and body energy were not same! Izuna soul was inside madara when he took his eyes as it was the container of uchiha soul! Lucky for madara he dint kill izuna body! So he needed another set of brother eyes to gain full control over izuna and to gain the power of the first son of sage! True and and complete uchiha power!

Itachi- Izuna body then?

Kabuto- if madara had killed izuna then, he would have gained eyes and it powers but would not have gained complete uchiha powers! He learned this latter and always suppressed izuna to have full control! Since then he searched for other brothers but never found any! Unfortunately he was weak while fighting against 1st hokage as izuna was trying and gaining control! Since then he was weak and izuna was taking control! So before he died he set the izuna the task ofrevivng him!

Itachi- How can it come to this! Dint he know izuna would take control?

Kabuto- he did! That’s why he came to orochimaru! He promised orochi power but inreturn he expected him to be resurrected when the time come! He never trusted izuna! He planned this far! He knew he had to fight izuna to gain control! But he never accounted for the possibility of having another brother set of eyes! Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for izuna- saskae eyes is the end to this!

Itachi- how is that possible?

Kabuto- yu see madara dint even trust orochimaru! He hid izuna true body somewhere to some day gain control of it if ever izuna takes over madar’s body! For this he needed another eye set! Even I don’t know where izuna body is hidden!

Itachi- I don’t believe this! If what you are saying is true then I must be inside saskae too!!( no it should ne be like this!)

Kabuto- NO! its because you died! So your soul was never suppressed inside naruto! But by gaining your true body you cold gain control but tobi destroyed your true body so you can never enter this saskue body! Your curse is over! I reserructed yo using your cell only! But this cant be used for you to gain power! For you to gain power of saske yu need to kill him and take control! As still somepart of your soul is there! And you must take madara/tibi eyes to gain immortality! But with you out of equation its oly those two brothers! Izuna n madara!

Itach(this is not good at all, but I felt something odd)…!

Kabuto- you see! Now if tobi gets saskue eyes, tobe suppresses madara and gains madara body and gets full contro! And if madara beats izuna, he automatically come back to his own body and need saskue eyes to gain full power! An uchiha brother never dies! They can come back! This is the curse of uchiha!

Itachi- so saskue is..!
Kabuto- unfortunately yes! He is going to die one way or the other!
Itachi- I see! So I get whats in it for you! Yu plan otherwise

Kabuto- (shit! He found out soon! Genius) use in lying! If I try and take saskue eyes and his body then all I need is tobi’s eyes to gain full uchiha power! And then I take control of saskue body and immortality! Just s my master wished! And with the jubi power even the sage would be nothing in front of me!

Itachi- yu already know I cant allwo that! First you die then I’ll handle outcome of izuna n madara battle! Ill destroy them! Saskue will be himself !ill end thi curse! (activates his sharingan)

Kabuto- Unfortunately I hav other plans for you!! Summong jutsu coffin reserruction!

In the battle field of madara and tobi

Tobi- I dint want this to happen but you give me no chocie! I was equal to you in everything! This time ill win!

Madara- (ill have to kill him and get back his true body where I hid it! Luckily no one knows the hidden body!) sorry brother! But this ends now! (activates his EMS)


Next chapter- the battle of brothers! And itachi vs kabuto!


Naruto 560: The Man Behind The Mask Makes His Move

Onoki: ...What's going doesn't make any sense.
Gaara: We have to inform HQ immediately!
Naruto: ...
*Naruto dashes towards Edo Madara with a Rasengan*
Madara: ...What kind of fool are you...
*Madara easily dodges and destroys the clone*
Side Text: The Real Madara Has Appeared And With One Attack Finishes Off The Clone Responsible For Sealing Muu and Edo Raikage...How Powerful Is Madara?!

*Scene changes to Kabuto*
Kabuto: ...It appears that it was just a clone this entire time, that's a relief, can't have Naruto dieing yet, kukuku. But...for Madara to just attack like that, I'm going to have to have all my focus on him, I can't afford to have him break free, lucky for me the rest of the Edos are useless now so there's no real loss. I wish I could see the look on Tobi's face right now, kukuku.

*We got inside Kabuto*
Hoshi Zetsu: he finally summoned it, I guess it's time to tell Tobi.
*The Hoshi Zetsu leave undetected*

*Scene changes to HQ*
Killer A: WHAT?!
Tsunade: Madara has been resurrected with Edo Tensei?
Mabui: It makes no sense, the masked man is Madara isn't he?
Shikaku: Well we never did see his face did we...
Killer A: !!!

Tsunade: At this doesn't matter if he's Madara or not, he's still a threat and we can't lose focus on him. But think something like this would happen.
Inochi: ! I just lost the signal from Naruto and Killerbee. I can't sense the masked man either...something jamming the signal. ! Mei just reported that her opponent has left...
Ao: What opponent? I never sensed anyone fighting there...
Shikaku: This isn't good...

*Scene changes to Tobi*
Tobi: !?
*Black Zetsu appears, shortly followed by White Zetsu*
Black Zetsu: The Hoshi left in Kabuto has reported that he summoned Madara...
White Zetsu: And Sasuke's eyes are ready, but he left in a hurry and rather hostile at that, killed one of my clones...lucky I was on my lunch break heh.

Tobi: So he finally summoned him did would have been a problem before but now...
Black Zetsu: What do we do now?
Tobi: White Zetsu, you gather all the White Zetsu Clones, they wont be much use in battle anymore, but they still have one more purpose, that include the "dead" ones.
White Zetsu: Righty-o!
Tobi: Black Zetsu...I'll let you handle Killerbee.
Black Zetsu: I thought you were going to capture them.
Tobi: Kabuto summoned him sooner then I thought, I have to deal with this first, and I rather not let any time be wasted, I believe you're fully capable of dealing with Killerbee, but make sure Naruto doesn't get captured yet...there's still other plans for him.
Black Zetsu: Right.

*Black Zetsu and White Zetsu leave to do their tasks. Tobi turns around and begins running on trees again*

*Scene changes back to HQ*
Shikaku(Talking through Inochi to everyone): The Edo Tenseis and White monsters on all battle fields have been taken care of. But there is still two Edo Tenseis at Gaara's division, we need everyone who can still fight to go there immediately! I'll explain what's happening when we get there.

Killer A: ...
Tsunade: ...

Shikaku: I know you think it's better if we go where Naruto and Killerbee are, but we have no idea where they are now, and with Madara here we have to deal with him before he joins up with the masked man...we at less know where his position is. Plus Naruto and Killerbee should be able to hold their own against the masked man for now...
Tsunade: Right...let's go then.
Killer A(Thinking): ...Killerbee...
*They take off*

*Scene changes to Madara*
Madara: Is this what the current generation has to offer? I've very disappointed.
*We see a bunch of ninjas on the ground, only a few are still standing*
Gaara: Unbelievable...Onoki, didn't you fight him before?
Onoki: Yah but I barely made it out alive...
Madara: Hmm? Oh that's right, I remember you now...still weak as ever old man.
Onoki: Urgh...
Temari(Whispering): Gaara, we've been told the rest of the Alliance is on their way now. All of Naruto's clones along with them.
Gaara: ...I wonder if that'll even be enough then.
Onoki: ...It wont be...
Temari: !?...

*Scene change to White Zetsu, who is back at Akatsuki HQ, in front of Gedo Mazo*

White Zetsu: That's the last of them. Phew, sure is tiring bringing all of them here...but I can't waste time, I have to start sealing them. With the Bijuu chakra they have, every drop counts. But I'm going have to speed things up, the plan starts tonight.
*A bunch of White Zetsu's clones appear(Thousands). Gedo Mazo shots it's rods inside all of White Zetsu's clones. White Zetsu goes on his finger on Gedo Mazo. The White Zetsu Clones begin to get sealed*

White Zetsu: Now this will only take a few hours...but there's still more to do, will we even have enough time?...I wished someone was hear for me to talk to, I feel crazy talking to my self AHAHAHAHAH...laughing by myself isn't so fun either...hurry up Black Zetsu!

*Scene changes to Naruto and Killerbee*
Killerbee: How much further?
Naruto: We're almost there.

*Black Zetsu appears*
Killerbee: WOW!? That thing just popped up out of nowhere...I thought you were sensing to see if anyone was nearby...
Naruto: I was...I don't know how-
Black Zetsu: Simple really. I can't be sensed. And even your more advance sensing powers to sense negative emotions wont work since I don't have any emotions.

Naruto: What!?
Killerbee: What are you a robot or something?
Naruto: ...Nagato was similar, he said he didn't have any emotions, but that wasn't true, he was just really sad. Maybe you're-

Black Zetsu: Don't be an idiot. I'm not the same as Nagato, I don't have a sob story that ruined my life, I'm simply a machine built for one purpose.
Killerbee: No really are a robot!?
Black Zetsu: Enough talk...

*Black Zetsu quickly dashes towards Killerbee and pushing him far away from Naruto*
Naruto: You're fast and strong...but don't think I'll stand by and watch!

*Naruto goes to attack Black Zetsu but hits an invisible wall*
Naruto: What the?!
Black Zetsu: It's a barrier that can't be destroyed unless I am destroyed or cancel it. Of course neither is going to happen. Why don't you just continue onwards, you have no use here anymore.
Naruto: Err...
Killerbee: Go Naruto!
Naruto: But...
Killerbee: I can handle this guy. Remember, I float like a Butterfly and sting like a Killerbee! Ohyah!
Naruto: ...Heh, alright, make sure you catch up to me after you finish this guy off!

*They get their hands in the form of a fist as if they are fist bumping(Of course they can't do that now). Naruto leaves*
Black Zetsu: Lets make this quick.
Killerbee: Did you not hear me before?
Black Zetsu: ...
Killerbee: I float like a Butterfly and sting like a Killer-

*Black Zetsu dashes towards Killerbee and cuts him*
Black Zetsu: Bee?
Killerbee: Ugh!!!
Hachibi: NO KILLERBEE!!!
Black Zetsu: Well that was longer then expected...

*Scene changes to Tobi*
Tobi: It's time to settle this.
*Tobi is standing behind Kabuto*

Chapter end.

End text: Killerbee is finished!? Tobi makes his move!? Will Tobi succeed at his plans!?
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Membro | Iwa
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L Mars

Sexo : Masculino
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Ryo (dinheiro) Ryo (dinheiro): 875
Total de Habilitações: 56,5

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